raker의 Recommended Components

추천기기 : 파일 & 스트리밍 재생 (~2017)

raker 2023. 6. 1. 12:50

나열 순서는 특별한 의미가 없습니다.
리스트에 끝부분은 올라온 것은 최근에 추가된 것을 의미할 뿐입니다.

Computer Extension Card
ESI Juli@ PCI card (S/PDIF, up to 24/192, signle wire)
SOtM Audio tX-USB exp (USB3.0 port)

DDC / Digitial Player
Lindemann USB DDC (컴퓨터, USB2.0 -> S/PDIF, up to 24/192, signle wire)
Linn Sneaky DS (컴퓨터/NAS, Network -> S/PDIF, up to 24/192, single wire)
Linn Majik DS (컴퓨터/NAS, Network -> S/PDIF, up to 24/192, single wire)
Weiss INT 202 (컴퓨터, Firewire -> S/PDIF 또는 AES/EBU, up to 24/192, single wire or dual wire)
Bryston BDP-1 (USB 메모리/USB 하드디스크 -> S/PDIF or AES/EBU, up to 24/192, DSD over PCM (DoP), single wire)
Bryston BDP-2 (USB 메모리/USB 하드디스크/NAS -> S/PDIF or AES/EBU, up to 24/192, DSD over PCM (DoP), single wire)
오렌더 W20

Linn Klimax DS (Network, up to 24/192)
Linn Klimax DS신형 (Network, up to 24/192)
Linn Akurate DS (Network, up to 24/192)
Linn Akurate DS신형 (Network, up to 24/192)
Ayre QB-9 (asynchronous USB2.0, up to 24/192)
Bryston BDA-1 (adaptive USB, up to 16/48, S/PDIF up to 24/192)
Apogee Mini DAC (adaptive USB, up to 16/48, S/PDIF up to 24/192) 단종
Apogee Mini DAC (Firewire, up to 24/192) 단종
Beresford TC-7520 (adaptive USB, up to 16/48)
Bladelius Embla (adaptive USB, up to 24/96)
Lindemann USB-DAC 24/192 (asynchronous USB, up to 24/192) + Bakoon BPS-01 배터리 파워 팩
Lindemann 825 CD player (asynchronous USB, up to 24/192)
Rotel RDG-1520 (Network, up to 16/44.1)
North Star USB dac32 (USB, up to 32/192)
dCS Debussy (USB, up to 24/96)
Meridian 818 V2 Reference Audio Core (Network up to 24/192, asynchronous USB2.0 up to 24/192)
Chord QBD76 HDSD (asynchronous USB2.0, up to 24/192, DSD)
Bryston BDA-2 (asynchronous USB up to 24/192)
Metronome Technologie C6 Signature (asynchronous USB up to 24/192)
Bricasti M1 DAC (asynchronous USB up to 24/192, DSD via USB
Audionet DNP (Network, USB)
Audio Research Reference DAC
Gryphon Kalliope (aynchronous USB, up to 32/384 DSD)
오디오퀘스트 Dragonfly USBDAC ver1.2 (asynchoronous USB, up to 24/96)
Linn Klimax DS/3

Desktop Speaker
Quad 9L Active (USB)

All-in-One System (스피커 제외)
Linn Sneaky DS (Network, up to 24/192)
Linn Majik DS-I (Network, up to 24/192)

드비알레 (Network)

재생/콘트롤 소프트웨어
"Kinsky Desktop", freeware,& Linn DS제품 전용 (Windows, Mac, Lynux)
"J. River Media Center", $49.95, 멀티미디어 (Windows)
"Amarra 2.0", 78만원 (Mac)

iPod Touch / iPhone 전용 application
- "Remote", freeware, iTunes 원격제어 전용 (Windows, Mac)
                           (Windows용은 foobar의 플러그인으로 사용시만 추천)
- "PlugPlayer" $4.95, 범용 UPnP 장치 원격제어용 (Davaar지원)
- "SongBook DS for iPhone" $49,99, Linn DS플레이어 전용 (Davaar지원), 단종
- "Chorus DS", $16.99, Linn DS 플레이어 전용 (Cara 6이상, Davaar 지원)
- "Kinsky" freeware, Linn DS 플레이어 전용 (Davaar지원)

iPad 전용 application
- "SongBook DS for iPad", $49.99, Linn DS플레이어 원격제어용 (Davaar지원), 단종
- "Chorus DSHD for iPad", $41.99, Linn DS플레이어 원격제어용 (Davaar지원)
- "Kinsky" freeware, Linn DS 플레이어 전용 (Davaar지원)
- "JRemote for iPad", $9.99, J River Media Center 원격제어용 (J River Media Center ver.15부터 지원)
- Meridian Soloos Core Control, freeware, Meridian Media Core 전용

- Windows 8 64비트 운영체제
- Ripping program: dBpoweramp Reference